Friday, May 8, 2009

Our Montreal/Ottawa journey

Charlie's first big trip was pretty smooth. He flew relatively well and kept sleeping through the night in a playpen rather than his crib. What a sport! And he loved being held all day by relatives and friends. 

His Finnish toque from nanna. 

Sharing some sqeals with mommy at Parliament. 

My amazing husband and sweet boy.

Just the cutest kid in the cutest hat - ever.

And when we got home... Charlie started to SIT BY HIMSELF!  
Teaching Charlie the importance of shoe shopping whenever you are in a new city. 

Having last seen her grandson at 4 days old - it was very hard to pry him from nanna's arms.

My mom and dad

While back home I tried to get Charlie acquainted with my people's fine culinary delights.
Pepe Dubreuil serenades his grandson with melodies from his weird flute.

Enjoying a sunny afternoon in Hudson with Michelle. (After hearing for the nth time from his pepe how much better it would be to raise Charlie in Hudson, where both the crime rate and real estate prices are really low!)

Charlie gets introduced to the Montreal theatre babes. 

Charlie and James and their proud dads.