Friday, January 16, 2009

Charlie's First Dose of Celebrity

Well, it's Sean here. This is my first time posting something on this blog, and it goes along with the fact that the pants-wearing roles have temporarily shifted in the Devine household. As I write this, Alexa is in an adjoining room rehearsing a play that she'll be performing in the next few weeks, while I'm in a make-shift baby room playing Mr.Mom and distracting myself from doing my away-from-the-office work cause there's exciting news in Charlie World. 

As some of  you may know, Alexa was recently the subject of a cover story article on midwifery for a Vancouver newspaper The Courier. Go to the following link... 

...and check out the cover boy himself getting some hands-on attention from the midwives. 

To read the article, click on "Full Story" below the photo. 

Also, as you'll see from the photo below, Charlie recently attended a baby-conference on napping and other sofa-related issues. He's the esteemed dignitary on the far right.

In truth, this photo took place at a recent reunion of all the Moms & Dads who attended a local pre-natal workshop. 

Take care everyone!