Wednesday, January 7, 2009

12 lbs 2 oz of pure love

We had our last appointment with our midwives this week (sob...sob...sniff...sigh). We stayed for 1 1/2 hours and just talked. It's gonna be weird not being able to page them in the middle of the night with questions... and we'll  sure miss our visits for tea every week to talk about Charlie. Speaking of Charlie, he weighed in at 12 lbs 2oz as he approached 7 weeks. He is eating tons and sleeping well. Couldn't ask for a sweeter boy.

In all his sweetness

Much to our family's chagrin, this one will probably not grow up a Habs fan!

After tummy-time comes quiet-time...

Here is Charlie's first love: Violet, born Dec 14th 2008. She's so beautiful. Way to go Charlie!