Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Time

Charlie loves water. He takes half-hour baths everynight and he's hooked on pools. We took him for the first time two weeks ago and he laughed and kicked up a storm. Last week we tried an outdoor pool on the beach and he was in heaven.  Or so we think.

Charlie cracked open his piggy bank and treated his dad to birthday dinner at a new French Bistro. 

The quantity of drool was intense at our picnic. See how Violet and Jade make Charlie a happy boy. The girls are beautiful. 

Can't believe how quickly our babes are growing. It was this time last year that we were hanging at the beach comparing belly sizes and feeling kicks. Now they are stealing eachother's teething toys. Ahhhh!
My flower child.

I figure this is better than sitting him in front of the TV. He's completely transfixed... especially during the rinse cycle.

My friend said upon seeing this photo that my son and I have the same eyeballs.  I can see that.

Early Saturday morning coffee stroll.

A little concerned here. If you look closely he is playing air guitar (and a power chord no less). I may never let him wear this t-shirt again.