Things are getting easier already. Charlie is on a great feeding schedule that has allowed us to sleep for one three hour block at night!! I still wake up thinking that I am nursing though. I look down and the comforter has somehow morphed into my son. I try to pick him up and bring him back to his room and realize that he is nothing but down feathers... The other night I awoke and turned to Sean, cradled his head like I was going to nurse him. Thankfully the stubble fully woke me as I grasped the last strand of reality before falling back to sleep. Sean and I have had some pretty hilarious semi-conscious 4am conversations with each other too. I only wish we could have a video tape of the randomness to watch the next day. This parenting thing can get pretty nutty.
Oh and I think I managed to fix all the typos from my first entry. Man what being up for three days can do to one's grammar.
We are trying to get out a little more now that I am less sore and sleeping better. Here is Charlie all wrapped up in white. Our elderly Italian neighbour started knitting for him back in April. This kid will not be getting cold this winter.