Charlie is growing up so fast. And we're having so much fun... why can't time just stop for a bit!? So right now we are staying in Montreal for 6 weeks while Sean shoots a movie. We are so grateful to be here seeing lots of friends and family and enjoying the crisp autumn days (as we plan to leave right before things start to freeze over.) Since being in Montreal, Charlie now has a molar, feeds himself and loves to imitate us.
He continues to sleep really well and waves bye-bye at everything.
Here are the Devine boys dressed in their kurtas celebrating Diwali in style. (Sean is the incredible coordinator of the entire Vancouver festival!)
Charlie exploring the insides of his new blue tube.
Patiently awaiting the return of his love...
Cousin Danny and Charlie Devine

"Foof. This tissue I destroy! Foof"
Taking in the sites of Le Plateau from our loft window.
This is Charlie with his cousins on his first Halloween. He did no monkeying around at all. Not even a bit.
Daddy disappointed with the lack of potato chips Charlie was getting.
He is so delicious even without the BANANA attached to his costume.
His new babylegs.
He looks like a little boy. And he's not even ONE. Slow down, pleeeeeeease!
Visiting his daddy on the movie set.
Spending the weekend in a small village in the Quebec Eastern Townships. Stunning.
This is moments before the pony went to lick Charlie's hand and I screamed (thinking he was going to bite him) and thus traumatizing my son and instilling in him a lifelong fear of the Equus species. Bad mommy.
I can't imagine having more love than I do for these two guys...
Here he is visiting his Pepe Dubreuil in the leaves.