Saturday, February 6, 2010

A few months beyond his first year...

Here are some random moments over the past few months. Life is full of wonder and surprise at the Devines these days. Charlie loves to go for walks, find things flying in the sky, swim in the pool, play with the train set and kid's kitchen at the drop-in centre, ride cars and bounce on trampolines at the community centre, go on play dates,  hang out at the library, visit the farm (5 minutes from our house!), devour books and still nap twice a day. 
He has 16 teeth and eats from his dad's plate after picking though mine and clearing his.

Charlie met Santa. He didn't cry, but he sure did some hardcore staring. Not sure he believes just yet. 

Our monthly photo. This would be #13. 

If you followed the blog this time last year, Charlie was 4 weeks old and fit entirely inside his stocking. See waaaaay below for the comparison shot.

Day dreaming about cows, crackers and crows. All of which he encounters in some form on any given day.

This one breaks my heart. Charlie literally looking up to his dad as they drill and build together. Sigh.

This is the general mood on the way to the Community Centre, where we head several times a week.
Don't worry Charlie, one day your daddy will let you drive away on your own... in a real car.
And on that day, your mother will cry.

This little man doesn't need to stop and ask for directions.

"Neigh" says the horse. (We are working on sounds other than the moo of a cow and the trumpet of an elephant. They said that there would be phases, but come on!)

It's all about the fibre. Taking it out of the box, crushing it on the floor, eating some of it and then moving on to rearranging cans of cat food and biting raw potatoes. And I feed the kid, I swear.

See?  And if you guessed spaghetti followed by kiwis and berries. You win. A kiss.

After having hand-fed his girlfriend Lilia some apple slices. He is very pleased with himself. Lilia is now skeptical it appears. Pretty bold I'd say. 

Our little angel at 13 months.